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* Pack Updated to work with 1.03 Patch and DLC 3.0*
Guys I would like to contribute with an easy tutorial/download pack in order to use patched contents in both offline and online modes with latest 1.03 exe and DLC 3.0 (since Kitserver has not been updated):
Pack features:
a. Correct Kits, logos, league names, for unlicensed leagues such as Premier League, Bundesliga, etc
b. Konami´s DLC 3.0
c. Online compatible (with a valid serial key)
D. No Blur,Rotating Adboards,Smoke effect during stadium entrance, Squared White Nets.
f. AFS Module only (KFS does not support GDB)
Installation Steps:
1. Delete any previous patch related files/folders in PES 2013 main installation folder.
2. Delete all contents on "Save Folder" path C:\Users\***\Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\save.
3. Update your game with Konami's latest 1.03 patch:
4. In PES 2013 main installation folder, rename game´s "img" folder to "img.real" then create a new folder and name it "img".
5. Replace patch´s exe with your no-dvd 1.03 exe or keep it if you would like to play with your DVD disk.
6. Download Pack Folder:
Contents and Instructions:
a."Dokan Library" Folder: Install program (in order for KFS to work), for 64 bit Windows remember also to select besides driver option (as with 32 bit versions) Dokan Library X86 option.
b."KFS" folder: Must Drag and drop folder, to game's installation folder, if not, KFS will not work. **There is a file inside KFS folder called "Config", you must specify your own game installation path were "img.real" and "img" folders are located, in my case I use:
afs.source = "D:\Program Files\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\img.real"
kfs.mount = "D:\Program Files\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\img"
*Just modify both lines, inside the quotes only*
c. "Save" Folder: Open folder first then drag and drop all contents to C:\Users\***\Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\save.
d. "DLC" Folder : Open folder and copy all contents to "img.real" folder, overwrite if asked.
7. Rename C:\ProgramData\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\download to "download1", since we do not want game to read this folder, if not KFS will not work for dt0f.img.
8. Open KFS.exe first and then open PES 2013 game, you should see patched content.
Remember that you can patch more contents simply by a drag and drop to KFS Root Main Folder:"example-root1".
You must close KFS and open it again after adding more files to root1 folder.
Tutorial might be even easier if a patch group/modder would like to create an .exe to do all steps.
If you have any question let me know!
All credits go to:
PESEDIT for kits, logos, league names
JUCE for making such an incredible tool.
Rotating Adboards by Hicksville and R4m130
Smoke effect during stadium preview by Enzo
Squared White Nets by das9125
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